Rapportering Ukraina

Vi övervakar den senaste utvecklingen i regionen noggrant, och är i konstant kontakt med lokal personal på plats.

Med hela världens fokus på den eskalerande spänningen i Ukraina så har säkerhetssituationen förvärrats kraftigt. Västländer har implementerat sanktioner mot specifika sektorer. Kraftiga sammandrabbningar fortsätter i regionen mellan ryska och ukrainska trupper. Nu när en invasion har skett, innebär detta att ytterligare farhågor kan komma att bekräftas.

Att bedöma de risker som ert företag kan stå inför och att ha en uppdaterad syn på de redan existerande planer för riskhantering är nu viktigare än någonsin. Utifrån era frågeställningar och behov skapar vi dagsaktuella beslutsunderlag alternativt analyser som kan hjälpa er att fatta rätt beslut och skapa resilience mot fortsatt händelseutveckling.

Vår internationella avdelning erbjuder en rad olika tjänster och teamet består av ledande riskanalytiker och rådgivare som kan stödja och assistera både er personal och verksamhet under en kris. Kontakta oss om ni önskar hjälp med att klargöra de risker ert företag står inför.

Update 25 May

Update 25 May

Russia continues to launch sporadic missile attacks against northern Ukraine, but the risk of ground assault is assessed as low at the moment. ...

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Update 20 May

Update 20 May

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky submitted bills on the continuation of martial law and mobilisation to the Verkhovna Rada. The extension will...

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Update 13 May

Update 13 May

The Ukrainian Ministry of Economy stated that the government is changing the structure of its fuel imports to Ukraine. Transportation of fuel by...

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Update 04 May

Update 04 May

On 02 May, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that Ukraine will not redraw its borders for the sake of peace, saying that Kyiv is ready...

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Update 26 April

Update 26 April

On 25 April, several Russian missile strikes hit key infrastructure in several Ukrainian cities – hitting five Ukrainian railway stations. The...

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Update 19 April

Update 19 April

The war in Ukraine has entered its 55th and there have been many frontline movements over the past week. Russian troops continued to increase across...

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Update 12 April

Update 12 April

There have been no developments in northern Ukraine, there is no presence of Russian troops, and there have been no airstrikes reported. However,...

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Update 08

Update 08

There have no significant developments in the past 48 hours. Russian troops continue to redeploy and a large Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine is...

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Update 06 Abril

Update 06 Abril

Russian advances continue to be marginal; however, Western and Ukrainian intelligence are anticipating a large Russian offensive in the east once...

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Update 04 April

Update 04 April

Over the weekend, Russia continued to withdraw combat elements from the north and the northeast of Ukraine. Ukrainian forces have claimed to re-gain...

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Update 01 April

Update 01 April

Russia continued focusing its main efforts in Donbas while conducting air attacks across Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Mariupol. Ukrainian forces...

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Update 30 March

Update 30 March

In the war’s fifth week, Russian forces continued shelling in southern and eastern parts of Ukraine, with civilian casualties and infrastructure...

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